Researchers Link Hookah Use To Serious Oral Conditions

Researchers Link Hookah Use To Serious Oral Conditions

PRNewswire (10/29) carries a press release on a new study which “found that waterpipe smoking is associated with serious health problems affecting the head and neck region,” according to study author Teja Munshi, BDS, MPH of Rutgers University. Researchers found hookah or “waterpipe smoking to be associated with gum diseases, dry socket, oral cancer and esophageal cancer among other conditions.” The World Health Organization found that “smoking a hookah is the equivalent of smoking 100 cigarettes, based on the duration and number of puffs in a smoking session.”  JADA Editor Michael Glick, DMD, said that the “study sheds light on the common misconception that smoking from a water pipe is somehow safer than smoking a cigarette. Whether you are smoking a cigarette, an e-cigarette, a cigar, or tobacco from a water pipe, smoking is dangerous not only to your oral health but to your overall health.”